Sugar Glider Bag Comparison Videos – Comments

A few weeks ago I made a couple comparison videos about some similar bags/purses I had bought.
They recently caused some drama in the sugar glider “community”.

I thought it would be a good idea to post screenshots here…for prosperity. 😛


The first video I posted is called “Sugar Glider Bag Comparison” and the second one is called “Gini Bag Comparison: Large vs Small (vs Karen’s)”.
Here are the links:
Sugar Glider Bag Comparison
Gini Bag Comparison: Large vs Small (vs Karen’s)

Apparently, someone told Gini Klingel about the second video and she posted it on her Facebook group.
She posted it around 11:30 am on September 4, 2016. (EDT)

Before she posted it in her group, the videos had pretty much gone unnoticed.
The first one had like five views and the second one had like eight views.
I know for certain that at least three different people had seen both of the videos. So, basically, less than 13 different people had seen them.
In other words, basically nobody had seen them.

The moment she posted it in her group, the views spiked.
Now the first video has over 110 views and the second one has over 230 views.
Those are still very small numbers, of course, but they’re way bigger than before.

Screen Shot 09-05-16 at 07.21 PM

Anyway, the point is that Gini became upset.

Here is a screenshot that was sent to me:

(She says doesn’t care but, you know, she considered the possibility of suing. Kinda makes it seem like she does care, doesn’t it?)

Here are the screenshots of our whole conversation in private message:

This is what I posted on the post she made in her group:

She closed the post from further comments so I was unable to respond to that last comment in the post.
I sent my response to her in private message. You probably saw it in the previous set of screenshots.
Anyway, those aren’t contradicting statements but, you know, when you’re mad you sometimes don’t think clearly. I know it happens to me sometimes.
(Mind you, I only said her intro bag is ridiculously overpriced, not the other bags. Hell, I said Gini’s small one was a better deal than Meredith’s because it was cheaper and you got more things. So she’s generalizing and saying things I didn’t say.)

Here are a few other random screenshots:

(The second screenshot was sent to me.)
I didn’t take screenshots of the whole post, unfortunately. And she has since deleted it.
And I only received part of the comments to my e-mail.

As you saw on one of the screenshots, she subscribed to my YouTube channel. lol
Looks like she wants to keep an eye on the videos I post. XD

I wonder how long she’ll stay subscribed.

I have quite a few hypotheses as to why Gini got so upset.

I won’t be posting them here because maybe all or some of them are wrong and I was just overthinking it. 

Either way, she wasn’t seeing the videos for what they are.

She even offered to buy back the bags I bought from her because, according to her, I didn’t feel comfortable using them.
That comment from her made me realize that she didn’t pay proper attention to what I said in the video or, perhaps, she was just manipulating my words.

I wonder why she deleted the post…Because she realized that she was exaggerating or because she didn’t want even more people to see the videos? Hmmmm… XD

Anyway, watch the videos and make up your own mind.
Was she exaggerating or did I go too far? 😛

Side note:

While the drama didn’t bother me, one, I guess you can say, annoyance I have is the hypocrisy shown by some people.

I’m pretty much 100% sure that if I had made a video comparing a random unsafe cage set from an unknown vendor selling on Etsy or eBay to a safe cage set from a known vendor in the “community”, nobody would have cared.
Same goes for toys and bonding pouches.

I could have only said negative things about the unsafe cage set and I highly doubt anyone would have been angry about it.
Hell, I’m sure some would have been like “This is a great video showing why we discourage people from buying from Etsy and eBay. So many unsafe things.” or something like that.

A second annoyance I have is how delusional some people in the “community” are.
This has actually bothered me for a while.
This is regarding the comment about the treadmill tutorial. Though lots are against people making wheels, too.
They think that because they would never make something, nobody else will or should.

It’s delusional to think that people don’t try or want to make their own stuff.
It’s much better for there to be a tutorial on how to make things correctly than have people make stuff up as they go and make something horribly unsafe.

Isn’t that why the group Safe Sewing for Suggies exists? To answer questions people may have about how to properly sew for gliders?
I could be wrong but isn’t there a toy making group, too?

People can still decide to do their own thing and not follow a tutorial or the guidance given but that doesn’t mean that people should stop making tutorials or guiding people.
Some people WILL follow the tutorials and guidance given.

Anyway, think about it. It’s ok for people to make cages, cage sets, toys, bonding pouches…but it’s not ok to make wheels or treadmills? O.o
Gliders have gotten injured by improperly made toys and cage sets yet it’s never frowned upon when people want to make their own. Even when they’re new and inexperienced.

Instead, they’re encouraged and told where to go to get parts, told how to make them properly or where to go to get guidance on how to make them properly.

Making wheels and treadmills shouldn’t be off-limits because some people are, for whatever reason, afraid to make them themselves.

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